Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Spirit of the Sea – Maria Boben

 There is a legend that hope is never lost for those sailors who have an undying faith in the spirit of the sea. When a sailor finds himself in the darkest of hours and the deepest of abyss, the presence of the spirit elevates his senses and drowns him in the will to move forward.

Be it a brave Captain at the con who struggles to keep the lady’s course or an engineer covered in grease stains racing against time to keep the steering motors running, they have all seen the grace of the spirit of the sea.

It takes a while to perceive its presence for the forms it takes are many.
Sometimes you hear a seagull screech when you are desperate for landfall.
Sometimes it is that thin ray of sunlight in a partly cloudy sky when your compasses fail.
Sometimes it is a lonesome fisherman reminding you that you have entered territorial waters.
Or back in the good old days, it could be your radio officer yelling, “Kevin...god has blessed you with a healthy daughter!!”.

I have personally felt ‘her’ divinity as well.  That’s right. The spirit called herself Maria Boben.
When all seemed low for this lonely cadet, hope was everything he needed. Like a harness from above to pull him up and be told that he was better than what he thought he was.

I started writing this blog with every intention to immerse myself in a distraction where I was divorced from the consequences of reality. It was a means of escape I wanted to immerse myself into. Then came Maria out of nowhere. Just like the legend has always been.

I never knew who she was or what she did. But she did exactly what the spirit always meant to do – give me a ray of hope to cling on. I was told to write on. Nothing more. Nothing less.
But I heard a voice in my head that said all was not lost. Just like the legend has always been.

Looks like I am not alone after all!
Nobody, I guess, was ever meant to be.

1 comment:

  1. hmmm.....................that was quite a pleasure reading.............................yeah..its truely inspiring......................its more of feelings....the degree of creativity exhibited in your first craft has slightly declined............but you have sequenced and etched out the cues with a wow factor............again KUDOS to you................waiting for your next blog!!!!
